{{ (moduleVm.actions && moduleVm.changeStatus) ? moduleVm.status : '' }} Risk of Home Falls Among Older Adults After Acute Care Hospitalization: A Cohort Study

Activity Steps


Acute care hospitalization has been associated with older adult home falls after discharge, but less is known about the effects of hospital and patient-related factors on home fall risk. This study compares the effects of hospital length of stay, medical condition, history of falls, and home health care on period rates of home falls after discharge from acute care hospitalization.

Learning Objectives

After completing this continuing education activity you will be able to:

  1. Identify the scope of the problem regarding older adult's fall risk post hospitalization.
  2. Explain the purpose and methodology of the study comparing the effects of hospital length of stay, medical condition, history of falls, and home health care on period rates of home falls after discharge from acute care hospitalization.
  3. Summarize the results of this study.
  4. Discuss the clinical implications of this research.
Price: $12.50


  • Accreditation Pending 2.0 CH

This course offers 2.0 credit hours for Occupational Therapists.

Professions: Occupational Therapist
Test Code: JTN1124BOT
Published: Nov/Dec 2024
Expires: 12/4/2026
Required Passing Score: 8/10 (80%)
Authors: Christy M. Adams, PhD, MPH, RN; Daniel J. Tancredi, PhD; Janice F. Bell, PhD, MN, MPH; Sheryl L. Catz, PhD; Patrick S. Romano, MD, MPH