{{ (moduleVm.actions && moduleVm.changeStatus) ? moduleVm.status : '' }} Development of a Complex Care Transition Team to Improve the Transition of Patients with Complex Care Needs to the Community


Health care systems have historically struggled to provide adequate care for patients with complex care needs that often result in overuse of hospital and emergency department resources. Patients with complex care needs generally have increased expenses, longer length of hospital stays, an increased need for care management resources during hospitalization, and high readmission rates. Mayo Clinic in Arizona aimed to ensure successful transitions for hospitalized patients with complex care needs to the community by developing a complex care transition team (CCTT) program. The CCTT followed patients with complex care needs during their hospitalization and transition to the community for 90 days after discharge. The outcomes resulting from implementation of the multidisciplinary CCTT highlight the need for a patient-specific approach to transitioning care to the outpatient setting.

Learning Objectives

After completing this continuing education activity you will be able to:

  1. Identify components of a successful complex care transition team (CCTT) program.
  2. Recognize the benefits of a CCTT program.
  3. Select appropriate nursing interventions that aid the CCTT program.

Learning Outcomes

A majority of participants in this activity will demonstrate knowledge of development of a complex care transition team by achieving a passing score on the posttest.
Price: $24.95


  • CCMC 1.0 CH

This Continuing Education (CE) activity is provided by Lippincott Professional Development and has been preapproved by the Commission for Case Manager Certification (CCMC) for 1.0 CE contact hours.

Professions: Case Manager
Test Code: PCM0924BCM
Published: Sep/Oct 2024
Expires: 9/1/2025
Required Passing Score: 8/10 (80%)
Authors: Brittane T. Valles, MD; Sydney P. Etzler, MSW, LMSW; Jillian R. Meyer, RN, ACM; Laura D. Kittle, MSN, RN, CCM, ACM; Michelle R. Burns, LMSW; Skye A. Buckner Petty, MPH; Belinda L. Curtis, MSN, RN, RN-BC; Cathleen M. Zehring, MM, RN, ACM; Ariana L. Peters, DO; Benjamin S. Dangerfield, DO
Specialties: Case Management