{{ (moduleVm.actions && moduleVm.changeStatus) ? moduleVm.status : '' }} Assessment of Veterans Affairs Case Management Leadership

Activity Steps


The authors present an overview of the history of VA case management. Then, using a leadership conceptual framework, they provide the results of their systematic review of case management literature specific to the VA. The authors note that there are few published articles that address leadership among VA case managers. Further research is needed to assess the annual VA AES and the responses of RNs, social workers, and case managers utilizing a leadership conceptual framework. The authors recommend attention to leadership development among case managers to help improve morale, retention, and performance.

Learning Objectives

After completing this continuing education activity you will be able to:

  1. Identify the VA mission and the goal of case management in the care of veterans.
  2. Summarize the leadership framework and how it was applied to the systematic review of the literature concerning case management.
  3. Describe the applicability of the author's study findings and importance of leadership and case management for coordination of care for veterans.

Learning Outcomes

Seventy-five percent of participants will be able to demonstrate knowledge of an assessment of Veterans Affairs (VA) case management leadership by achieving a posttest score of 70% or greater.
Price: $21.95


  • CCMC 1.0 CH

This Continuing Education (CE) activity is provided by Lippincott Professional Development and has been preapproved by the Commission for Case Manager Certification (CCMC) for 1.0 CE contact hours.

Professions: Case Manager
Test Code: PCM0523BCM
Published: May/Jun 2023
Expired: 5/1/2024
Required Passing Score: 7/10 (70%)
Authors: Lisa Y. Perla, PhD, MSN, CFNP, Lucille B. Beck, PhD; Neil E. Grunberg, PhD