{{ (moduleVm.actions && moduleVm.changeStatus) ? moduleVm.status : '' }} The Social Determinants of Mental Health: Assessment, Intervention, and Wholistic Health Equity - Part 2

Activity Steps

Learning Objectives

After completing this continuing education activity you will be able to:

  1. Explain recent social determinants of mental health population-based data.
  2. Identify populations at risk for inequality of receiving mental health care.
  3. Apply assessment tools and interventions that support behavioral health management and wholistic health equality to questions about a case scenario.
Price: $12.95


  • NASW 1.0 CH

This program is Approved by the National Association of Social Workers (Approval #886708055-5938) for 1.0 Social Work continuing education contact hours.

Professions: Social Worker
Test Code: PCM0921ASW
Published: Sep/Oct 2021
Expired: 5/24/2024
Required Passing Score: 8/10 (80%)
Authors: Ellen Fink-Samnick, MSW, ACSW, LCSW, CCM, CCTP, CMHIMP, CRP, DBH-C