{{ (moduleVm.actions && moduleVm.changeStatus) ? moduleVm.status : '' }} Characteristics of Patients Receiving Complex Case Management in an Acute Care Hospital


Patients with complex care needs display high hospital utilization including emergency department (ED) services, length of stay (LOS), and readmissions due to multimorbidities, behavioral issues, and social challenge. In this study, a random selection of patients who previously underwent high-risk screening using the LACE (Length of stay; Acuity of the admission; Comorbidity of the patient; Emergency department use) index and received complex case management (the intervention group) were reviewed. Patient characteristics were collected and compared using descriptive statistics. Improving transitions in care is a major focus of health care planning. This study identified the importance of having a FP and engaged family caregivers in improving care outcomes.

Learning Objectives

After completing this continuing education activity you will be able to:

  1. Explain the need for complex case management in the acute care hospital setting, and associated terminology including the LACE index.
  2. Summarize the methodology and findings of this study.
  3. Apply the findings of this study to current case management practice.

Learning Outcomes

A majority of participants in this activity will demonstrate knowledge of characteristics of patients receiving complex case management in an acute care hospital by achieving a passing score on the posttest.
Price: $21.95


  • NAHQ 2.0 CEH

This continuing education (CE) activity is provided by Lippincott Professional Development and has been approved by the National Association for Healthcare Quality (NAHQ) for 2.0 CPHQ CE Hours. CPHQ CE Hours are based on a 60-minute hour. This CE is approved for meeting requirements for certification renewal.

Test Code: PCM0924AHQ
Published: Sep/Oct 2024
Expires: 9/1/2025
Required Passing Score: 8/10 (80%)
Authors: Lesley Charles, MBChB, CCFP(COE); Lisa Jensen, MBA; Jorge Mario Añez Delfin, MD, CCFP; Erin Norman, MSc; Bonnie Dobbs, PhD; Peter George Jaminal Tian, MD, MSc; Jasneet Parmar, MBBS, MSc, MCFP(COE)