Category Women's Health
{{ (moduleVm.actions && moduleVm.changeStatus) ? moduleVm.status : '' }} A Pathway to Treatment for Pregnant Women With Opioid Use Disorder
{{ evaluation.question.text }}{{choice.text}}{{evaluation.answerSet[0].text}}Test Code: JAN0723ACPublished: Jul/Sep 2023Expires: 10/31/2026DetailsRequired Passing Score: 7/10 (70%) -
{{ (moduleVm.actions && moduleVm.changeStatus) ? moduleVm.status : '' }} Cardiovascular Assessment
Professions: Cardiovascular TechnologistPrice: $21.95Credits:
- ANCC 2.0 CH
- DC - BON 2.0 CH
- FL - BON 2.0 CH
- GA - BON 2.0 CH
- NM - BON 2.0 CH
- SC - BON 2.0 CH
- WV - BOERN 2.0 CH
{{ evaluation.question.text }}{{choice.text}}{{evaluation.answerSet[0].text}}Test Code: HHCN0922B-CTPublished: Sep/Oct 2022Expires: 9/5/2025Details